ISLAMABAD, October 22, 2023 (PAKONOMY):  A high-level delegation from Pakistan is gearing up to visit Kyrgyzstan on November 6, with the aim of fostering bilateral trade, investment, and collaboration in the pharmaceutical and surgical sectors. Chairman of the Kyrgyzstan Trade House, Meher Kashif Younis, made this announcement, emphasizing the significance of this visit in enhancing economic cooperation between the two nations.

The delegation comprises experts in pharmaceuticals and surgical instruments, and their three-day visit will explore potential investment avenues, joint ventures, and collaborative opportunities between Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan. This initiative represents a strong commitment to boosting economic cooperation and nurturing meaningful relationships between the two nations.

Meher Kashif Younis, Chairman of the Kyrgyzstan Trade House, expressed his firm belief in the vast potential that exists within the pharmaceutical and surgical instruments sectors. He underlined that collaborative efforts in these areas could result in the exchange of knowledge, technology, and resources, ultimately benefiting the economies of both countries.

Furthermore, this upcoming significant event is seen as a promise to strengthen the ties between the two Muslim countries and foster mutual prosperity. The delegation consists of exporters and investors who are eager to engage with their Kyrgyz counterparts to identify synergies and establish fruitful partnerships.

Meher Kashif Younis is confident that this visit will pave the way for enduring partnerships and contribute significantly to the growth of their respective industries. He also expressed his commitment to supporting and facilitating interactions between the visiting delegation and key stakeholders in Kyrgyzstan.

This visit highlights the commitment of Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan to promoting economic cooperation and leveraging the immense potential in the pharmaceutical and surgical instruments sectors. It is expected that the collaboration between these two nations will result in a mutually beneficial exchange of expertise and resources. This development is likely to strengthen the economic ties and prosperity of both Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan.

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