Pakistan's Caretaker Prime Minister Urges Swift Privatization of National Carrier PIA

ISLAMABAD, October 23, 2023 (PAKONOMY): In a move aimed at rescuing Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) from its ongoing financial turmoil, Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar has taken a decisive step, urging a quickened privatization process for the national flag carrier. This significant development unfolded during a review meeting on October 23, 2023, revealing a deep concern for PIA’s financial woes.

It’s not just about economics; it’s about the people who rely on PIA’s services. Prime Minister Kakar left no room for doubt when he emphasized the urgent need to complete PIA’s privatization within the prescribed timeframe. He made it clear that the government would stand by PIA throughout this challenging transition, ensuring that it emerges stronger than ever to serve the people.

Furthermore, the Prime Minister expressed a genuine worry over the financial losses suffered by State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs). He believes that privatization is a crucial shield that will protect the nation’s finances. This move isn’t just about economics; it’s about ensuring that every citizen’s hard-earned money is well-spent, and the economy remains strong.

During the meeting, Prime Minister Kakar was given a comprehensive briefing on PIA’s financial situation. It was a moment to humanize the situation, to understand the impact on the lives of countless Pakistanis who rely on the national carrier. This was not just a boardroom discussion; it was an opportunity to make a real difference.

The meeting was attended by interim federal ministers, including Shamshad Akhtar and Fawad Hussain Fawad, as well as Adviser on Aviation Air Marshal (retd) Farhat Hussain, and other officials who share the Prime Minister’s vision for a more robust and people-centric aviation industry.

This directive from the Caretaker Prime Minister is not just a policy change; it’s a commitment to the well-being and prosperity of every Pakistani. The fast-tracked privatization process is now in full swing, with the promise of regular compliance reports. This government is dedicated to creating a brighter future for its people by addressing economic challenges head-on, one step at a time.

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